Wednesday, 28 November 2012

More VIM amazingness

So I probably missed this in the few tutorials I looked at on vim.

But... oh... my... god...

Passing vim contents to the shell (ie bash)

You can pass your current file to a tool (like bash, or mysql) like this:

w | ! . %
w | ! mysql %

Or you can do this to just pipe in the "lines 7 to 9" or the current line to bash:

7,9:w ! bash
.w ! bash

Or pipe in selected text to mysql:

'<,'>:w ! mysql


Paraphrasing those clever folk at stackoverflow you can capture and run macro:
Perform desired editing interactively with

    vim -w log.vim file1.txt

and then repeat it on other files:
    for f in file*.txt; do vim -s log.vim $f; done 
or alternatively:
    for f in file*.txt; do vim -c '1,55d|25,35s/^/\/\/ /|w! '"${f}_new"'|q!' $f 

this is also very cool:

These things in your .vimrc are gold:

 syntax on

inoremap <expr> <C-Space> pumvisible() \|\| &omnifunc == '' ?
\ "\<lt>C-n>" :
\ "\<lt>C-x>\<lt>C-o><c-r>=pumvisible() ?" .
\ "\"\\<lt>c-n>\\<lt>c-p>\\<lt>c-n>\" :" .
\ "\" \\<lt>bs>\\<lt>C-n>\"\<CR>"
imap <C-@> <C-Space>
autocmd FileType php set omnifunc=phpcomplete#CompletePHP

Clearing the highlighting from your last search can be useful:
:let @/ = ""

Opening and finding files

Obviously :Ex, :Tex: and :Vex are good, and to those you can look for patterns in the:

   */filepat   filenames in current directory
   **/filepat  filenames in current directory or below
   *//pattern  vimgrep in current directory
   **//pattern vimgrep in the current directory or below

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Installing drush

So we've all established that Drush is the bee's knees for running drupal installations. Right?

So tonight I had to install it on a server where I have limited rights.

This was the process (based on perusing the README.txt):

# install drush
mkdir -p $ptd
tar -xf ~/drush-$dv.tar.gz -C $ptd
chmod u+x $ptd/drush/drush
ln -sf $ptd/drush/drush ~/bin/drush
ln -sf $ptd/drush/examples/example.bashrc ~/bin/drush.bashrc
# put drush.bashrc into .bashrc
if grep -Fq "drush.bashrc" .bashrc
 echo "you already have drush.bashrc in your .bashrc, so no action taken"
 echo "drush.bashrc added to you .bashrc"
 echo "source ~/bin/drush.bashrc" >> .bashrc
# tidy up

The bit I like best is greping the .bashrc so I only add the require line once.

I also had to track down php-cli that drush was complaining about. So I just used locate then made a link:
locate php-cli
ln -sf /hsphere/shared/php53/bin/php-cli bin/php-cli